Motion & Creative Direction

Agatha | The Dive Index

Agatha by the Dive Index | 2010 | I created this music video using a blend of video footage and animation, filmed in Bushwick and rural New Jersey. With the support of friends holding green circles, the video endeavors to capture an eternal journey through landscapes and space. It narrates the tale of orbs in love, endlessly following each other through these timeless landscapes and celestial expanses.

Director | Jordan Bruner
Animation | Jordan Bruner
Camera Assistant | Richard Duke
Music | The Dive Index
Label | Neutral Music
Sign Holders | Grier Dill, Hali Emminger, Emily Wormley, Nadia Gomez, Damien Bernache, Sean Donnelly, Catharine Stuart, Brandon Whightsel, Ashley Wallace, Chloe Douglas, and David Singer.